
10 Proven Tips to Increase Instagram Engagement

If you’re a business owner, then chances are you’ve dabbled in social media (hopefully!). And if you’ve dabbled in social media, then chances are you’ve asked yourself the Question with a capital Q: how do I increase engagement on Instagram?

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to organically increase engagement on your posts. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the most effective methods for increasing engagement on Instagram. So without further ado, let’s get started!

What is "Engagement"?

Engagement on Instagram is defined as the number of interactions that take place on your posts. This includes likes, comments, shares, and views. When you have high engagement levels, it means that people are interacting with your content and finding it valuable. This is important because it helps you to build relationships with your followers and grow your brand.

Is One Type of Engagement Better Than Another?

While all types of engagement are valuable, comments are often seen as the most important. This is because they show that people are taking the time to read your post and leave thoughtful responses. Comments also give you an opportunity to start a conversation with your followers and get to know them better.

Why is Engagement So Important?

Engagement is important because it helps you to build relationships with your followers. When people interact with your content, they are more likely to remember your brand and come back for more in the future. Engagement also allows you to collect feedback from your audience and learn what type of content they enjoy most.

So now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s move on to the tips!

Game-Changing Instagram Engagement Tips

Tip #1: Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to increase engagement because they help you to reach a wider audience. When you use hashtags, your posts are more likely to be seen by people who are not already following you. This is important because it allows you to grow your following and get more people interacting with your content. Not only that, hashtags help you attract the right kind of followers.

For example, if you use the hashtag #fitness, you’re more likely to attract people who are interested in health and fitness.

To find the best hashtags for your posts, try using a tool like Hashtagify. This tool will help you to find popular hashtags that are relevant to your content. Once you have a list of hashtags, be sure to use them in every post.

Tip #2: Use High-Quality Photos

When it comes to Instagram, quality is important. This is because people are more likely to engage with posts that look professional and well-put-together. And you will be taken more seriously as a business if your posts look high quality. Luckily, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to take great photos.

In order to take high-quality photos, you don’t necessarily need an expensive camera. A smartphone will do the trick! Just be sure to use a good filter and edit your photos before you post.

Tip #3: Shoot Vertical Videos

Videos are a great way to increase engagement because they are eye-catching and can convey a lot of information in a short amount of time. In fact, posts with videos tend to get 38% more interactions than those without. When it comes to shooting videos, shooting them in vertical format is key.

This is because people are more likely to watch videos that are easy to view on a smartphone. And since most people access Instagram from their phones, it’s important to make sure your videos are mobile-friendly. Videos that see a lot of engagement are usually between 15 seconds and one minute in length and they tell a story or convey a message.

Tip #4: Use Calls to Action

Calls to action are a great way to increase engagement because they encourage people to take action. For example, if you want people to comment on your post, you could use a call to action like “Tell me your thoughts in the comments!” Or if you want people to share your post, you could use a call to action like “Share if you agree!” Calls to action are a great way to get people interacting with your content.

Tip #5: Write Engaging Captions

Your caption is just as important as your photo when it comes to engagement. This is because your caption is what will grab people’s attention and make them want to read more. A great caption will be interesting, informative, and it will encourage people to take action.

When writing your caption, be sure to keep it under 150 characters so that people can easily read it. Also, try to use hashtags and emojis sparingly so that your caption is easy to read.

Tip #6: Know Your Audience

It’s important to know your audience if you want to increase engagement. This is because you need to know what type of content they will be interested in. For example, if your target audience is teenage girls, you’ll want to post content that is relevant to them. This could include fashion tips, beauty tutorials, or celebrity gossip.

On the other hand, if your target audience is middle-aged women, you’ll want to post content that is relevant to them. This could include health and wellness tips, recipes, or relationship advice. Knowing your audience is key to creating content that they will engage with.

Tip #7: Be Consistent

When it comes to engagement, consistency is key. This means that you need to post regularly and interact with your followers on a regular basis. The more active you are, the more likely people are to engage with your content. If your followers know they can depend on you for new content, they will be more likely to interact with your posts.

How often should you be posting a day? That depends on your audience. If you’re posting for a business, you should be posting at least once a day. But if you’re just posting for fun, then you can post as much or as little as you want. Just be sure to be consistent! When it comes to stories and reels,  you should be posting at least once a day, if not more.

Tip #8: Post, Reels, Stories... Do it All!

When it comes to Instagram, there’s no such thing as too much content. The more content you post, the more likely people are to engage with it. So if you’re not already posting stories and reels, now is the time to start! Stories and reels are a great way to increase engagement because they are eye-catching and they encourage people to interact with your content. They often take less time to plan out and can be more “raw and real”.

Tip #9: Don't Forget to Interact with your Followers!

It’s important to interact with your followers if you want to increase engagement. This means liking and commenting on their posts, as well as responding to their comments on your posts. The more you interact with them, the more likely they are to reciprocate. And when you do get comments on your posts, be sure to take the time to respond! A simple “Thanks for the comment!” goes a long way.

Tip #10: Track your Analytics

The best way to see if your efforts are paying off is to track your statistics. Instagram has built-in analytics that you can use to see how your posts are performing. This includes information on the number of likes, comments, and shares you’re getting, as well as the reach of your posts.

You can also use third-party apps like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to track your analytics. Tracking your analytics will help you to see what’s working and what’s not so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

More Engagement, More Money!

Well, there you have it! Ten foolproof ways to increase engagement on your Instagram posts. Of course, this is just a starting point – feel free to get creative and experiment with different methods to see what works best for you and your audience.

And if you need help creating high-quality Instagram assets that are sure to turn heads, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at NLC. We’d be happy to help! Click here to schedule a free consultation with NLC today!