
5 Steps to Finding Your Brand Voice

Let’s talk about brand voice. If you’re like most business owners, you want your brand to be instantly recognizable. You want customers to see your logo and know what they’re getting before they even read a word.

In order to create a brand that is both recognizable and trustworthy, you need to find your brand voice. This involves creating a style and tone for your company that will set it apart from the competition. In this blog post, we will discuss five steps that will help you find yours!

What Is A Brand Voice?

Let’s start from the beginning. What is a brand voice? It is the personality of your company. It’s how you communicate with your customers and what sets you apart from other businesses in your industry. Your voice should be consistent across all channels, from your website to your social media accounts. This should tell your customers who you are, what you stand for, and what they can expect from your company.

Brand Voice Examples

Think about some of the most recognizable brands out there.  Nike is known for being inspiring and motivating. McDonald’s is known for being friendly and family-oriented. Apple is known for being sleek and cutting-edge. These brands have built their reputations by having a strong brand voice that is consistent across all channels.

Disney is another great example of a company with a strong brand voice. When you think of Disney, what words come to mind? Fun, magical, and childlike innocence are just a few of the qualities that Disney projects to its audience.

Harley Davidson is another company with a very strong brand voice. When you think of Harley Davidson, what words come to mind? Rough, tough, and badass are just a few of the qualities that Harley projects to its audience.

Why Does a Brand Voice Matter?

Having a strong brand voice is essential to setting your company apart from the competition. When your voice is weak or nonexistent, customers will have a hard time differentiating you from the competition. A strong brand voice will help you build trust with your customers and create an emotional connection with your audience.

Finding Your Own Brand Voice

Now that we’ve discussed what a brand voice is and why it’s important, let’s move on to the five steps you can take to find your own.

Step One: Know Your Target Audience

The first step in finding your brand voice is to know your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your marketing? What are their needs and wants? What motivates them? Once you have a good understanding of your target audience, you’ll be able to start crafting messages that resonate with them.

If your products or services are targeting a specific niche, it’s even more important to know your target audience inside and out. Say your brand caters to customers under 18 years old, your brand voice should be youthful, fresh, and probably sound a lot different than if your target audience is working professionals over the age of 35.

Step Two: Define Your Brand Personality

The second step is to define your brand personality. This is the heart of your brand voice. What words would you use to describe your company? Are you friendly or formal? Fun or serious? Inspiring or informative? Once you have a good understanding of your brand personality, you’ll be able to start crafting messages that reflect your brand.

What kind of things does your brand stand for? Do you have a cause that you’re passionate about? What’s the driving force behind your brand? These are the things that will help shape your brand voice.

Step Three: Write Your Brand Voice Guidelines

The third step is to write your brand voice guidelines. This document should include a list of the words you want to use to describe your brand personality. It should also include a list of dos and don’ts for your team.

For example, if you’re a fun and friendly brand, you might want to avoid using too much industry jargon in your communications. If you’re a serious and formal brand, you might want to avoid using slang or emojis. This document will be a valuable resource for your team as they start crafting content for your brand.

Step Four: Create Consistent Content

The fourth step is to create consistent content. This means that all of your communications should reflect your brand voice. Every touchpoint with your customers should be an opportunity to reinforce your voice.

From your website and social media posts to email newsletters and sales calls, everything you do should be cohesive and reflect your brand personality. Consistency is key when it comes to branding, people like to know what they can expect.

Step Five: Monitor and Adjust

The final step is to monitor and adjust. As you start implementing your brand voice, pay close attention to how your customers react. Are they engaging with your content? Do they seem to understand your message? If not, make adjustments until you find a voice that resonates with your audience.

Remember, your brand voice is not set in stone. As your business grows and evolves, so too should your brand voice.

Common Brand Voice Mistakes To Avoid

Now that you know how to find your brand voice, let’s discuss some common mistakes to avoid.

One of the most common mistakes businesses make is trying to sound like everyone else. This is a surefire way to blend in with the competition and get lost in the shuffle. Instead of following the pack, be brave and forge your own path. This will resonate much more than trying to sound like your competitors.

Another common mistake is trying to be everything to everyone. This is simply not possible. This is why it’s so important to know your target audience and craft messages that resonate with them specifically. Trying to appeal to everyone will only result in a diluted message that doesn’t resonate with anyone. Finding your niche brand voice is essential to standing out in today’s competitive marketplace.

And finally, avoid using industry jargon in your communications. Unless you’re targeting a very specific niche, using jargon will only serve to alienate your audience. Use language that is easy to understand and relatable. This will help ensure that your message is received loud and clear.

Find Your Voice!

By finding your brand voice, you will be able to create a consistent and recognizable experience for your customers. They will know what to expect when they see your logo or hear your name, and this will help them feel confident in their purchase decisions.

The five steps we’ve outlined are a great starting point but don’t forget to experiment and find what works best for you and your business. What type of tone do you want your brand to have?